Leverage for Retail clients. Different Leverage is available for Professional Clients.
Price arbitrage not allowed.
Positive or Negative may occur.
In the unlikely event that your account encounters negative equity, FXTLEVERAGE will adjust your account balance back to
zero. No penalties apply. This is for retail clients only.
Commodities can be split up into two subsections, hard commodities (such as oil, gold, rubber) and soft commodities (such as coffee, wheat, corn). Hard commodities are generally higher in price
but both are traded extensively. Commodities are traded in numerous different exchanges all around the world. In the UK, oil, gas and other energies are traded at the Commodities Investment.
Exchange (COINEX) and non precious metals at the London Metal Exchange (LME). At FXTLEVERAGE we allow our customers to access the lucrative market all in one place through the comfort
of their own home.